Specifications Hynix, model DDR3 1600 DIMM 4Gb
3/5 - 1
Model Hynix DDR3 1600 DIMM 4Gb on set of parameters takes 2869 place in the rating category ''.
This means that it is better than -47716.7% of the models in this category.
The model is popular and has good ratings. Hynix DDR3 1600 DIMM 4Gb has characteristics that are superior to the average value for the category.
They include such parameters as Clocked, Bandwidth.
By cons DDR3 1600 DIMM 4Gb should include: ECC support, Buffered (Registered).
General characteristics |
Memory type |
DDR3 |
Form factor |
DIMM 240-pin |
Clocked |
1600 MHz
48 |
Bandwidth |
12800 MB/s
48 |
Shutter speed (shutter speed) |
1 module 4 GB |
ECC support |
0 |
Buffered (Registered) |
0 |
Low Profile (Low Profile) |
0 |
Additionally |
The supply voltage |
1.5 |
Average price |
Total points |
96 |
Rank in Category |
2869 |