Specifications Prology, model AT-1200
3/5 - 1
Model Prology AT-1200 on set of parameters takes 5789 place in the rating category ''.
This means that it is better than -96383.3% of the models in this category.
The model is not popular and did not get ratings. Prology AT-1200 has characteristics that are superior to the average value for the category.
They include such parameters as Built-in amplifier, Case.
By cons AT-1200 should include: The number of speakers, The weight of the magnet, Power.
General characteristics |
Type |
subwoofer |
Size |
30 cm (12 inches) |
The number of bands |
1 |
Power |
120 watts (nominal), 250 watts (maximum)
1 |
The frequency range |
50 - 160 Hz |
Built-in amplifier |
10 |
Subwoofer |
Case |
10 |
Case type |
vented |
Dimensions (WxHxD) |
380x380x495 mm |
The number of speakers |
25 |
Dimensions |
300 mm |
Cone material |
cellulose |
Magnet |
ferrite |
The weight of the magnet |
850 g
7 |
Average price |
Total points |
53 |
Rank in Category |
5789 |