Specifications Sony, model DCR-HC15E
3/5 - 1
Model Sony DCR-HC15E on set of parameters takes 1629 place in the rating category ''.
This means that it is better than -81350% of the models in this category.
The model is not popular and did not get ratings. Sony DCR-HC15E has characteristics that are superior to the average value for the category.
They include such parameters as LCD screen, The faders.
By cons DCR-HC15E should include: The maximum operating time on battery power, Zoom optical / digital, Matrix, Maximum photo resolution.
General characteristics |
The night mode |
10 |
Media type |
the miniDV cassette |
For more information |
Weight |
520 g
88 |
Dimensions (WxHxD) |
112x90x71 mm |
Design |
remote control |
Discontinued |
Yes |
The maximum operating time on battery power |
2.5 h
15 |
Functionality |
LCD screen |
there is (2.5")
10 |
The viewfinder |
black and white
0 |
The AE |
10 |
The image stabilizer |
e |
The white balance |
auto |
Matrix |
The number of matrices |
1 |
The matrix type |
Matrix |
0.80 megapixels
3 |
The physical size of the matrix |
1/4" |
Lens |
Zoom optical / digital |
10x / 640x
14 |
The focal length of the lens |
3.3 - 33 mm |
Effects |
The faders |
10 |
Interfaces and media |
Interfaces |
DV-input, DV output, USB interface |
Photo mode |
Photo mode |
10 |
Maximum photo resolution |
640x480 pixels
1 |
Average price |
Total points |
171 |
Rank in Category |
1629 |